Achievements and Rewards
We encourage you to create impact with achievements and rewards.

Experience and Rewards
On the Achievements and Rewards page you can see your Experience Points (XP). You earn XP by:
Publishing episodes
Getting downloads
Unlocking achievements
The amount of XP you receive for certain actions, depends on several factors, including episode duration and publish frequency.
XP counts towards Podcast Experience levels. Each level you level you reach, unlocks a reward, like:
A discount on your Podhome subscription
A coupon that you can share with your friends and family
Claiming Rewards
When you earn a reward, it shows up in the Achievements and Rewards page. You’ll also receive an email.
Discounts are applied to your subscription automatically. For instance a one-time 50% off on your monthly invoice.
If you already have a discount attached to your subscription (for instance by using a promo code when you sign up for Podhome), the discount will not be applied automatically. In this case, the discount remains unclaimed, and you can apply it at a later date. Discounts do not expire.
You can earn coupons. These offer a certain amount of discount for new Podhome customers. For instance “2 months free when you sign up“. A coupon contains a code that you can share with your family and friends, for when they sign up for Podhome.
Coupons can be used 1 time. When a coupon is used, you’ll see that in the Achievements and Rewards page.
You can unlock achievements! These are things like “Modern Podcaster“, for using podcasting 2.0 features, “1000 downloads“, for getting 1000 downloads, and more. Some achievements add to your XP and rewards.
When you click on an achievement, you’ll see a popup that helps you to share your achievement with the world. This helps you to promote your show on social media.