What’s new in Podhome?
We are constantly improving Podhome to help you with podcast creation. We document our updates on this page.
If you have suggestions for improvements or new features, let us know [email protected]
March 3, 2025
We added a new Analytics chart to give you insights in your episode download trends
In various places in Podhome, you won't see the "loading" screen anymore, which was bothering some users
You can now use Gifs for episode artwork (modern podcast apps will show Gifs. Others will render them as a static image)
January 16, 2025
You can now archive Dynamic audio and text. This helps to organize your Dynamics
When you upload new audio, we can extract metadata like Title, Description and Artwork. We already extracted Chapter info. Extracting this extra info is disabled by default. You can enable it in your show settings
The Podhome Embeddable Player now supports live broadcasts (finally)
November 29, 2024
We added more servers and more capacity around the world. This should speed up your Podhome experience, wherever you are
We fixed some bugs with Dynamic Audio custom insertion times
We made the custom domain experience for Podhome Websites more resilient and added better instructions
October 21, 2024
In your show settings, you can now explicitly set the audio quality for your podcast
We fixed some bugs with pasting HTML and Markdown into the episode description
Small changes to Podhome Websites: You can show episode images on your home page, and episodes open in a new tab
In your show settings under "Advanced settings", you can enable Reflex which generates chapters for your episode that contains boosts
When you change the filter or sort order on the episodes page, we store it automatically
You can now use https for our live streaming server (for instance https://stream.podhome.fm/your-show). And you can use the http version as well
September 19, 2024
See episode performance at a glance in a new analytics widget
Download your analytics data as a CSV file
Move the position of custom pages for your Podhome Website
September 10, 2024
In analytics, you can now see the performance of your episodes over their first 24hrs and 7, 30, 90 and 180 days
You can duplicate episodes to other shows you have access to. We copy everything related to the episode, like transcripts, clips, people, chapters and more
You can see how the duplicated episodes perform across your podcasts in the new episode analytics breakdown
For Podhome Websites, we made it easier to use subdomains like podcast.aboutpodcasting.show, instead of using www
August 21, 2024
You can now set a custom insert point for dynamic audio. Use this to configure a changeable piece of audio anywhere in your episodes. Read more in the blog post
We fixed several bugs, including one where images didn't always show up in the embeddable player
August 8, 2024
We improved clip and transcript editing. For transcripts, we added the visual audio helper to make things simpler
You can now choose to not include speakers in SRT and VTT transcript files (set this in show settings under "Default Episode settings")
When processing audio and Podhome AI, you can now cancel to go back to your episode settings
We solved several bugs, including one where add a Value Time Split to a chapter would give an error
We rebuilt our public website www.podhome.fm completely. It is cleaner and information is easier to find.
July 3, 2024
You can now show sponsors on your Podhome Website. Create and manage sponsors in Podhome, and assign them to episodes, or to a show. This provides your sponsors with more value
Sponsors show up on your Podhome Website, on an episode page, or on the show page
You can create a redirect per sponsor. This helps to guide listeners to sponsors. For instance, go to aboutpodcasting.show/podhome will redirect to www.podhome.fm
We added Podimo to the list of directories in your distribution settings. When you enter your Podimo URL here a badge to "Listen on Podimo" will appear on your Podhome Website
We fixed a bug with chapter detection in your episode description
You can now inject custom code into the <head> element of your Podhome Website. You can for instance use this to inject code for your own web analytics service
June 10, 2024
When you set your Show type to Course or Audiobook, we automatically set your Show Type to Serial. This will show your episodes oldest-to-newest
We fixed an issue with pagination on the episodes page
We enhanced the analytics page in several ways:
You can now see how many listeners you have over time
We also show you trends compared to previous periods (for instance: you have 5% more downloads this week, compared to the week before)
In addition to the countrymap and list, we show the number of countries your show is listened in
In the Chapter tab, you can now download the audio of each chapter
In Episode settings, we added a tab that enables you to share your episode through a link, and with an episode-specific embeddable player code
In the Person page, you can now set the show-level role for people that are associated on a show-level
We added a page on podhome.fm that showcases some of our podcasts: https://www.podhome.fm/podcast-shows-hosted-on-podhome
Podhome AI got a major upgrade! We've upgraded it's backend so that it is more accurate and produces better Chapters, Clips, show-notes and title suggestions. Let us know how it is working for you
May 14, 2024
You can now change the language of your Podhome Website that you get with every show you host
Currently we support: English, Polish, Dutch and German. Let us know if you want us to support another language
Fixed some bugs in Podhome Websites that falsely detected chapters in timestamp-like texts
Fixed some bugs with the Audio Helper for Chapters and Clips
You can now hide (and show again) certain widgets on your dashboard. This gives you a cleaner UI (is this what you were looking for Juan?)
May 1, 2024
Visually create clips and chapters with your transcript and the Audio Helper. This makes creating (video) clips, and arranging chapters so much easier. Read more in the blog: https://www.podhome.fm/blog/podcast-episode-clips-made-easy
You can paste Markdown into the episode description editor. We’ll convert it into formatted text and get it ready for podcast apps
We recognize when you paste or type chapters in the episode description. If you don’t have any chapters yet, we’ll create them for you based on the ones in your description
This only works when you format them like this: (00:00) Introduction
We solved several bugs, including:
One where Embeddable Player data wouldn’t update
A bug where chapters were sometimes not updated in the chapters Json file
One where an episode could be stuck in “Audio Processing“ for a while
March 29, 2024
You can add your Nostr social profile to Podhome Websites so that users can see it, and go there
Podhome Websites now have “Share on social media“ buttons for each episode, on the episode pages
In your Podhome Website, users can click the “Pick your app with Episodes.fm“ button to pick select their favorite app to listen to your episodes
Several bug fixes and improvements
We launched a new podcast called “About Podcasting“. In the podcast you can learn practical podcast tips, insights from podcasters and industry experts and more. Check it out here: https://www.aboutpodcasting.show/
March 12, 2024
You can use Zapier to automate your podcast workflow. We expose several Triggers and Actions that you can use to make life easier. Learn more here: https://www.podhome.fm/docs/automations
For instance, you can automatically post to Instagram when your new episode is published.
Or you can create a new episode and run Podhome AI on it, when you upload a new file in DropBox
March 5, 2024
You can now play pre-recorded audio in your live episodes
Podhome Websites now display Live Pending and Live episodes
We added a search function to chapter artwork. You can use this to select an image that you used previously for your chapter artwork, or to search for and use a GIF from Giphy. Some apps, including Podverse and Podcast Guru play the GIF. Other apps show the GIF as a static image
February 23, 2024
New feature: Live Podcasting! Live podcasting is an amazing way to engage with your audience. When you go live, listeners that use a modern app like Fountain, PodcastGuru, Podverse, TrueFans and others, can listen (and watch) your live stream!
You can configure your live broadcast in the episode settings screen
Use our Podhome Streaming Server (no extra cost) to stream directly to modern podcast apps
Read more about Live Podcasting here: https://www.podhome.fm/docs/live-podcasting
Various bug fixes and improvements
January 26, 2024
You can now change the published date of an episode, after you've published it
When using Podhome AI, you can now override the transcription language for an episode. This is useful when you sometimes publish episodes in a different language from your show language
The description editor now automatically recognizes hyperlinks.
There is one known bug: when you paste text with links, links will only be rendered after you type something after pasting (like it works in Microsoft Word).
In Value 4 Value configurations (show- and episode level) enables you to configure a suggested amount. This is used by apps to suggest an amount of crypto to send to the show. We changed the input so that the suggested amount for lightning now displays in Satoshis (sats)
We fixed a bug where Podhome AI would time out on long episodes (5+ hours. Yes, these do exist!)
We fixed a bug where the chapter file would sometimes not refresh
We fixed various other bugs
We added some more explanations in the distribution page, and other areas, to make it more clear what these are, and what you need to do with them
January 17, 2024
Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Improvements to the episode description editor. It now generates nice HTML in your RSS feed (Previously it generated ugly HTML, which didn’t display nicely in podcast apps)
Achievement unlocked! You will now earn Experience Points (XP), Rewards and Achievements for your podcasts!
You can share your achievements to promote your show
You earn XP by publishing episodes, getting downloads and unlocking achievements
XP earns towards real-world rewards, including discounts on your subscription, and give-way coupons
Read more here: https://www.podhome.fm/docs/achievements-and-rewards
December 13, 2023
In the Clips tab of your episode settings, you can now Generate and Download a social video clip based on your clip. You can use this to promote your episode on social media.
The video clip uses episode- or show artwork, or you can upload your own.
If the episode has a transcript, the video clip shows subtitles (font size, color and position are configurable)
You can configure the resolution of the video, like 1080x1080 (square), 1080x1920 (portrait) and more
December 4, 2023
We added Podcast recommendations (Podroll) in our UI. We already had an implementation of it, where we would add podcast recommendations from shows that are in your account. But now, you can control your podcast recommendations entirely
Podroll adds entries to other podcasts in your RSS feed. These are podcasts that you recommend, and that apps can use to send users to.
In your show settings, you can recommend other podcasts. These are added to your feed in the podroll tag. These recommendations are shown in modern apps and in your Podhome website.
You can now see your most popular podcast episodes for today. This shows up on your dashboard and in your analytics page
Several bug fixes, including one where the Save button for Dynamic Text didn’t work
November 30, 2023
Earn a commission by referring your podcast friends to Podhome through our affiliate program. Earn 30% of each monthly paid invoice, for 24 months, for each customer that signs up through you
Go to our affiliate program page, read more, and sign up
November 20, 2023
When you upload artwork for your show, album, episode or chapter, we automatically reduce its file size
This helps podcast player apps to load your show and episodes faster
You can now add a 3rd-party analytics prefix URL to your episodes. You use this when you want to use services like OP3, Podcorn and others
Go to Show Settings -> Advanced Settings and select the service you want to use, or add the prefix manually. Read more here: https://www.podhome.fm/docs/how-to-add-an-analytics-prefix-url-to-your-podcast
November 15, 2023
Technology is constantly evolving and we take advantage of that. Recent efficiency upgrades in the technology that we use enable us to run Podhome at a lower cost. And we give that value back to you!
From now on, the price for Podhome Premium is $15.99 / month (instead of $19.99). It has all the features it previously had, including unlimited use of Podhome AI. See our pricing and features here to get started.
November 13, 2023
We fixed several bugs
In the Transcript tab (in Episode Settings), you can now:
Upload your own .VTT, or .SRT file, in addition to pasting your transcript text, or using Podhome AI
Delete all transcripts to start over. This also resets Podhome AI, so that you can use it again for the episode
The Audio Enhance feature is now more affordable
Audio Enhance improves your audio by reducing noise, mouth click, enhancing speech and more
You pay for it per minute used, which now costs 0.03 USD / minute (from 0.05 USD / minute). We updated existing subscriptions to reflect the new price automatically
Updates to Podhome for Artists
You can select a Genre for each album
The Genre shows up in your RSS feed as a category, and can be something like “Dance“, “Country“, “Latin“, and “Metal“
You have the ability to enter a ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) for each track
This is a unique code for your track that the music industry recognizes. You might use this to make sure your track is the correct, unique one
November 3, 2023
We are live! After a private beta period, we open the doors for everyone to sign up. Read the full announcement here: https://www.podhome.fm/blog/welcome-to-podhome